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Eiropas Komisijas logotips
Eiropas Komisijas pārstāvniecība Latvijā

2024. GADA 26. JANVĀRĪ

Programma / Programme

  1. 9.00
    Konferences atklāšana

    Opening address


    Latvijas Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs / President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs

  2. 9.10
    Atklāšanas uzruna

    Opening speech


    Eiropas Komisijas priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks Valdis Dombrovskis / Executive Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis

  3. 9.30
    Galvenā uzruna

    Keynote speech


    Itālijas Bankas prezidents Fabio Paneta / Governor of the Bank of Italy Fabio Panetta

  4. 9.45
    Paneļdiskusija: Eiro starptautiskās nozīmes un digitālās dimensijas stiprināšana strauji mainīgajā pasaulē

    Panel discussion: Boosting the international role and digital dimesion of the euro in a fast changing world

    The euro is the second most important currency in the world. Despite a succession of shocks, including Russia’s war against Ukraine and mounting geopolitical risks and global fragmentation, the international role of the euro has remained resilient. However, this new environment underscores the need to step up efforts to enhance the international role of the euro, with a view to strengthening Europe’s influence in the world.

    Key elements are the pursuit of sound economic policies and continued efforts to deepen Economic and Monetary Union. Furthermore, in order to remain relevant in the future, currencies need to adjust to technological advancement and ensure the resilience of their financial market infrastructure. The payments landscape has been evolving rapidly during the last decade. Digital wallets, mobile applications and instant payments are replacing debit and credit cards and traditional bank transfers. Crypto assets have sought to revolutionize payments. In the euro area, outside providers account for a large share of those newer payment possibilities, while private sector alternatives in the euro area are mostly national in scope. It is thus relevant to look at the role of payment systems in supporting the open strategic autonomy of the euro area. The Eurosystem is developing a digital form of the euro, which would provide an alternative means of payment that is safe, efficient and easily accessible. What benefits would the digital euro bring to consumers and businesses? What value added does the digital euro bring compared to private sector solutions and how can it enhance competition and spur innovation in the payment services market? What lessons can we draw from other CBDC initiatives across the globe and how can we ensure interoperability and cross-border payment efficiency? How can we future-proof the digital euro in a fast changing environment?


    Moderē / Moderator:

    Lūkass Ilvess, Igaunijas ekonomikas un sakaru ministrijas valsts sekretāra vietnieks digitālās pārkārtošanās jautājumos, valsts pārvaldes IT vadītājs / Luukas Ilves, Undersecretary for Digital Transformation, Government CIO, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia


    Diskusijā piedalās / Panellists:

    Valdis Dombrovskis, Eiropas Komisijas priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks / Executive Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis

    Fabio Paneta, Itālijas Bankas prezidents / Governor of the Bank of Italy Fabio Panetta

    Sesīlija Bonfelde-Dāla, DIGITALEUROPE ģenerāldirektore / Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE

    Valdis Bergs, Mobilly valdes priekšsēdētājs / Valdis Bergs, Chairman of the Board Mobilly

  5. 11.00
    Kafijas pauze

    Coffee break

  6. 11.30
    Paneļdiskusija: Eirozona jaunā ģeopolitiskā situācijā

    Panel discussion: The euro area in a new geopolitical landscape


    An economic and monetary union was a recurring ambition for the European Union already from the late 1960s, as the the international currency stability that reigned in the immediate post-war period did not last. Building on the European Monetary System and after a decade of preparations, the euro was launched on 1 January 1999. It was followed by a period of economic stability in a context of fast globalisation and enlargement of the EU to the East. At the same time, as growing imbalances were left unaddressed, the euro area suffered from a deep crisis in the early years of the last decade, which was followed by several reforms that strengthened its resilience. When Latvia was joining the euro area in 2014, the political motivation to be more closely integrated into the core of the European Union became increasingly relevant in view of already mounting geopolitical challenges, in addition to economic efficiency and the promotion of trade and investment. Today`s world is much less stable, characterised by renewed geopolitical fragmentation and rivalry, with the EU’s prosperity and competitiveness being increasingly challenged.

    To stay relevant and prosper amidst these tectonic geopolitical shifts, the euro area will need to move towards ever closer political and economic integration. What are the key elements to achieve this objective? What role should reforms and investments play to enhance Member States’ resilience? How should further progress be achieved on the completion of the banking union and creation of a capital markets union? What are the benefits and risks related to the establishment of a common fiscal capacity in the euro area? In short, are we ready to do whatever it takes to make the euro area prosper in the new geopolitical landscape, or do we need another major crisis to move forward?


    Moderē / Moderator

    Marija Tadeo, televīzijas kanāla Bloomberg korespondente Eiropā / Maria Tadeo, European Correspondent for Bloomberg Television


    Diskusijā piedalās / Panellists:

    Ilze Juhansone, Eiropas Komisijas ģenerālsekretāre / Ilze Juhansone, Secretary-General of the European Commission

    Mārtiņš Kazāks, Latvijas Bankas prezidents / Mārtiņš Kazāks, Governor of Latvijas Banka

    Boriss Vujčičs, Horvātijas Valsts bankas prezidents / Boris Vujčić, Governor of the Croatian National Bank

    Burkhards Balcs, Deutsche Bundesbank valdes loceklis / Burkhard Balz, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank

  7. 13.00


  8. 14.30
    Paneļdiskusija: Atziņas pēc eiro ieviešanas Baltijas valstīs. Kura valsts būs nākamā?

    Panel discussion: Lessons learned from the euro introduction in the Baltic States. Who`s next?

    Accession to the euro area has been a watershed moment in the Baltic States. In the years before euro accession, the Baltic States were confronted with major imbalances and financial instability. Addressing those required the implementation of sharp corrective action, including rapid fiscal consolidation, that came at an important social and economic cost. By the time Latvia joined the euro area in 2014, the economic coordination mechanisms had been reinforced, stabilisation and emergency instruments had been developed and economic integration had progressed, including through the first steps with the creating of a banking union. This paid off during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the Baltic States, like other euro area Member States, were able to stabilise their economies and protect people’s lives and livelihoods. Also more recently the euro area remained resilient in the face of mounting geopolitical fragmentation and increased economic insecurity and challenges. Since its entry into the euro area, GDP per capita in Latvia increased by 10pp to 73% of the EU average and; Productivity increased by 12 percentage points to 75% of the EU average; Average monthly gross wages broadly doubled, while the unemployment rate halved to around 6%. The euro area remains attractive, with Croatia having joined in 2022 and Bulgaria working towards joining soon.

    Looking backward, it is important to draw lessons from past experiences in terms of the key success factors for sustainable membership of the euro area, especially for small open economies. What have proven to be the main benefits from euro area membership, especially for small open economies like the Baltics, and how have Member States been able to maximise the benefits from their membership? Looking forward, it is important to reflect on the key policy priorities that will ensure that the euro can continue to contribute to upward economic and social convergence and resilience, including by enhancing productivity and living standards and minimising the risks for the emergence of imbalances. How can Member States best prepare for their membership and ensure continued sound economic and fiscal policies once they joined?


    Moderē / Moderator:

    Edijs Bošs, žurnālists, Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes asociētais profesors / Edijs Bošs, Associate Professor at Riga Stradins University, Journalist


    Diskusijā piedalās / Panellists:

    Dimitars Radevs, Bulgārijas Nacionālās bankas vadītājs / Dimitar Radev, Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank

    Arvils Ašeradens, Latvijas finanšu ministrs / Arvils Ašeradens, Minister of Finance of Latvia

    Gintare Skaiste, Lietuvas finanšu ministre / Gintarė Skaistė, Minister of Finance of Lithuania

    Sanita Bajāre, Finanšu nozares asociācijas valdes priekšsēdētāja / Sanita Bajāre, CEO of Finance Latvia Association

  9. 15.45
    Konferences kopsavilkums: Eiropas Komisijas priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks Valdis Dombrovskis

    Conclusion of the Conference by Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission

  10. 16.00
    Konferences noslēgums

    Closing of the conference

Vispārīgas publikācijas2024. gada 4. janvāris
Konferences programma PDF
Vispārīgas publikācijas2024. gada 4. janvāris
Conference programme PDF